What is a tracker?
Trackers are the questions/forms you use to track member activities. Trackers must be created within your organization. If you ever get lost while navigating your portal page, click on your profile username at the top of every page. From here you can access organizations, challenges, and trackers.
Once you click on your profile username, click on your organization. This will bring you to your Organization Profile. From here you can create new trackers.
At this point you can give the tracker a name. The tracker name refers to the title of your tracker and what it will show up as in the tracker library. This will include all of the form controls or questions you create in this tracker. In other words, you can have multiple forms or questions in one tracker.
You can also select the tracker type:
- Activity- Most used typed. This is used within a challenge to track
- Org & Challenge Membership– Allows you to create questions for mini-surveys that require members to submit information such as year in school, job title, age, gender, etc. before joining an organization or a challenge.
These are great tools to track activity and gather data about who is participating in the challenges.

Form Controls
The next step to add form controls. Controls are essentially questions. Click “Add Form Control.”
You will see that there are many options of controls.
- Text input (basically fill-in-the-blank)
- Text Area (same as text input but allows for larger text box)
- Checkboxes (allows you to create multiple options for participants to select)
- Radio Buttons (similar to checkboxes but only one options can be selected by participants)
- Radio Buttons with values (same as above plus the ability to give some options more points over others)
- Drop-down list (allows you to create a list where participants can only select one option)
- Checkboxes with values (same as checkboxes plus the ability to give some options more points over others)
- Image upload (allows participants to upload images like TIF, JPG, PNG, GIF, etc. to earn points)
This field is where you can enter you question wording. For example, “How many miles did you run today?” or “Please select all that apply.”
The description is any text you’d like to put at the bottom of the questions. You can put a “tip of the day” or reminders in this field.
Expected Response
For the Text Input or Text Area options, you can you “expected response” to force a specific answer to a questions. This could mean enforcing a “yes” or “no” for a questions like “Did you record in a food journal today?”
Scoring Title
This refers to the unit that is being tracked (miles, steps, etc.). It important to make the scoring title clear and relevant since this is the unit of measurement for you tracker.
Point Frequency and Limit Selection Days
These can be used to limit the amount that a participant is tracking. The system default and most common used option for point frequency is to be tracked daily. Limit Selection Days forces participants to answer only on the specific day that you select on the drop-down menu.
After filling in the fields, hit Save and you will return to the “Build form here” page.

Order and Visibility
After your Forms are built you can change the order in which they will appear through the Up/Down/Del column. And you can change the visibility. Within each tracker, you have the flexibility of making control visibility conditional on answers to other controls or questions. For example, if you wanted to track volunteer activity, you might first create a control that asked, “Did you volunteer this week?” You might then create a control that asked “Where did you volunteer?” and a control that asked “How many hours did you volunteer this week?” In order to make it easier for participants, you would to select “Show Always” for “Did you volunteer this week?” and select the two follow-up questions to “Show Conditionally” when “Did you volunteer this week?” equals “Yes”. Basically:
- Show Always
- If this option is selected, the control will
always visible to participants, regardless of
responses to other questions.
- If this option is selected, the control will
- Show Conditionally
- Unlike “Show Always”, this option allows a
control to be visible only if certain
responses are chosen in other Form
controls. - “When [choose control from drop
down]”-e.g. “New Control” is “Yes”
- Unlike “Show Always”, this option allows a
- Hide Conditionally
- Control is invisible only if certain responses
are chosen in other controls. - “When [choose control from drop
down]”-e.g. “New Control” is “No”
- Control is invisible only if certain responses

As the final step, hit Save. Success! You’ve created your first tracker. Now this tracker will be visible under your organization profile and will be available to assign to challenges. Next step, creating a challenge.